For full freight info, click here.
In order to have RESTRICTED items delivered and shipped, you MUST schedule it with the office. We will no longer be accepting furniture, appliances, or other large building materials without prior arrangement. If you arrive without arranging for shipment, your items will be refused.
This is to ensure we have the crew to handle the amount of anticipated freight and enough space for your items as well as typical passenger freight, which always takes priority. Once you have an idea of the items you want shipped and the approximate date of delivery and desired date of shipment, please contact the office in person, by phone, by email, or via the form on our website to be put on the schedule. If you have multiple large items, they may not ship all at once.
All freight must be paid for in full before it is shipped (cash only), and requested dates and times are not guaranteed until confirmed. Please note that some days and times will be more restricted than others and may not be available for shipment based on anticipated passenger and freight volumes. The 10:00AM trip will not take restricted items on weekends.
Note: We are not always able to store large items or deliveries, so you must contact us prior to finalizing delivery details. When possible, we can store items for a maximum of 2 days prior to shipment.